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Με το βλέμα στο μέλλον

... και στο Παγκόσμιο Πρωτάθλημα του Τόκυο το 2025

Με στόχους

........... για το 2025 το Παγκόσμιο Πρωτάθλημα στο Τόκυο και το Ευρωπαϊκό Πρωτάθλημα ΚΣ στο Απελντορν της Ολλανδίας

Ο Στίβος είναι

χαρά, υγεία, παιδεία
Οι ΑΚΑΔΗΜΙΕΣ των σωματείων  στίβου, δέχονται όλα τα παιδιά για γνωριμία με την άσκηση και τον αθλητισμό μέσα από το παιχνίδι.
Erasmus+ Sports Info Day 2024-2025

H ΕΑΣ ΣΕΓΑΣ Κρήτης συμμετέχει στην Erasmus+ Sports Day Info 2024-2025 στις Βρυξέλλες  την Δευτέρα 16 Δεκεμβρίου


The Hellenic Athletics Federation (EAS SEGAS) of Crete in 2024


The Hellenic Athletics Federation (E.A.S. S.E.G.A.S.) of Crete, with 28 sports clubs and 3,800 active participants, has been a prominent figure in both the development and global recognition of Greek athletics for many years.

The promotion of exceptional champions with participations, significant successes, and medals in global and European championships marks the pinnacle of Crete's enduring journey in athletics.

The organization of significant sports events, both now and in the past, including the European Team Championships (formerly Bruno Zauli) with thousands of spectators in the stands, the international meetings that were at the top in Europe for many years, such as the "Venizelia - Chania" international meeting recognized in the highest categories of meetings, the world records achieved in Crete, the Winter Throwing Cup, held for two consecutive years in Heraklion, the dozens of regional stadium competitions each year, the road races, like the Run Greece Heraklion, the Crete Half Marathon in Arkalochori, and the Crete Marathon in Chania, the training camps of our national teams in Agios Nikolaos, are a few examples of great team work.

The assignment and unwavering support of all the aforementioned competitions and events by S.E.G.A.S., combined with the support and co-organization by the State, the Region of Crete, the Local Government, as well as private sponsors, contributed decisively to this successful journey and the development of sports tourism.

In 2023, Crete's athletics had a particularly successful year, achieving notable individual and team goals. This includes a European medal in the Women's K23 category, four participations in the World Indoor Championships, seven participations in the European Championships, 123 medals in national championships, and two qualifications for the 2024 Olympic Games.

A significant achievement for Crete's athletics is the 2nd and 4th positions of our clubs El. Venizelos and OFI among the 347 athletics clubs in the Greek Federation, and the 4th position of E.A.S. S.E.G.A.S. Crete among the 17 corresponding associations in our country.

Creating new innovative programs and recognizing the successes of Crete's athletics, S.E.G.A.S. established the "Pilot Center for Developmental Sports of Crete." The goal is to provide specialized training methods to our young athletes. In the coming years, there is the prospect of expanding this program to other Sports Federations as well.

We also need to mention the new program of our federation for young athletes aged 15 to 18, titled "Training with the Best." In this program, 66 athletes from Crete have been included.

Therefore, all of us, the people of S.E.G.A.S. Crete, rightfully feel proud of all these successes achieved by our athletes, coaches, and clubs. These results are the outcome of proper planning by the administrative staff, organization, and work at young ages, as well as high goals set by our coaches and champions.

All of the above are attributed to a tremendous effort with vision, long-term planning, organization, special interest in the excellent operation of academies and competitive sections of the clubs, continuous training of our coaches by S.E.G.A.S., coaching preparation on a scientific basis, and most importantly, with absolute faith in "fair competition", honesty, and the sports ideals with which we guide and shape the youth of Crete, our young athletes, and future champions, always with the unwavering support of their families.

Many people, including administrative personnel, coaches, judges, and volunteers, worked hard both inside and outside the stadiums for the development and maintenance of Crete's athletics, placing it at the top ranks of Greek athletics. Therefore, the successes belong to all the "romantics of Crete's athletics".

Key factors for achieving all of the above throughout these years include S.E.G.A.S. (the Hellenic Athletics Federation), the State, the Region of Crete, the four regional units, all municipalities, private entities, our volunteers, and the families of our athletes. Together, they form the "GREAT ALLIANCE OF CRETE'S ATHLETICS", serving as significant supporters and funders for all our activities.

Special mention should be made of our 90 coaches who literally, 365 days a year, prepare their athletes daily, regardless of weather conditions. They work without a schedule, with the sole aim of physical, mental, and social improvement, as well as the promotion of their young athletes.

Special mention should also be given to the 100 track and field judges of Crete, who constitute a strong and essential link in the chain of successes. They are true volunteers and substantial supporters of the Greek youth, with continuous presence at competitions and various events.


EAS SEGAS Kritis / ΕΑΣ ΣΕΓΑΣ Κρήτης 

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ΑΟ Κύδων Χανίων 
ΑΟ Λασηθίου 
Γ.Ε. Ηρακλείου 
Γυμναστικός Σύλλογος Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος 
ΟΦ Ηρακλείου 



segas_logo_small.jpg Σύνδεσμος Ελληνικών Γυμναστικών & Αθλητικών Σωματείων (Σ.Ε.Γ.Α.Σ.)

Η επίσημη ιστοσελίδα της Ελληνικής Ομοσπονδίας Στίβου

Run Greece 2014run_greece_2013_mini.jpg



iaaf.jpg Διεθνής Ομοσπονδία Κλασσικού Αθλητισμού (I.A.A.F.)

International  Association ofAthletic Federations


layout_01.gif Ευρωπαϊκή Ομοσπονδία Κλασσικού Αθλητισμού (E.A.A.) 

European Athleticc Association (E.A.A.) 

61a_venizelia.jpg61α Βενιζέλεια 2009

To επίσημο site του διεθνούς μήτιγκ των Χανίων